Somewhere lost in the universe of Algonia-666 some mad scientist decided to make his ideas of power a reality!

After traveling in the galaxy and reaching several stars, he decided to throw star dust into a fusion of elements in order to acquire the powers of this world.

As soon as the experiment begun, the scientist lost the notion of reality. He started to lose his brain and along with the dust he threw, he added 4 large stones in this unstable mixture.

Lights began to spark from everywhere. He thought he reacted quick enough to hold his experiment steady. Unfortunately, he couldn’t manage to hold it and at the same time, lost control of everything around him.

Magma, black hole particles, moon dust and time all mixed together.

The scientist was sent to a sure death, lost somewhere in the space and everything around him was destroyed.

Then 4 stones, looking like gems appeared in the deep of the galaxy. Floating in the middle of the void, they ended up being pulled back by the gravity of Algonia-666. This gave intense insight and powers to the foxes that lived there.

4 of these AlgoFox got sent on a mission to retrieve these ”PowerGems” that were swirling around the planet.

But they weren’t alone, detected by other monstrosity in the Algonia-666 universe, this sparked a galactic war.

The AlgoFox had to call on their allies the Algonines to fight these attackers who were raging on their planet. Together the two team were ready to face their enemies.

A galactic story begins ~ !!!
